Home Fitness Mum and daughter smash their goal to lose over 50 kilos together with The Healthy Mummy!

Mum and daughter smash their goal to lose over 50 kilos together with The Healthy Mummy!

by Editorial


Wow! What an incredible achievement! These two incredible mums, who also happen to be mother and daughter together made a pledge to lose 50 kilos together with the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge, and in just 9 short months they have smashed it out of the park, losing 51.5 kilos!!

Jessica says, ‘My mum and I have been transforming our bodies and lifestyles. She is my accountability buddy and whilst we started this journey for different reasons, we have supported each other the entire time. When we started we made a goal to lose 50kgs together!

As two chocoholics with an extra sweet tooth, we have embraced the Healthy Mummy journey and never felt deprived of our favourites. We have had a Healthy Mummy Smoothie every day and stuck to our meals plans really consistently.’

Having each other to rely on and support and celebrate with when the scales move and don’t move has made a world of difference. We also get to enjoy all the benefits together like extra energy and just feeling down right amazing.’

Jessica’s Weight Loss Story

Jessica Lewis is a mum of three children aged 7, 5 and 1 and lives on the Gold Coast, Qld.

Incredibly, she has been able to lose 27.6 kilos, 150 cms and 2 dress sizes by following the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.

She says, ‘I joined the Healthy Mummy at 3 months post partum. I achieved my goal weight at 8 months but have kept going and  have been able to lose weight whilst breastfeeding for the first time ever.’

Jessica admits that while she was keen to shift extra weight following her third baby, there were other reasons for a lifestyle overhaul.

Jessica says ‘I joined for my mental health, to find myself again and regain control and I have done that in spades. My physical health is a huge benefit because I feel amazing & have so much more energy than I’ve ever had before but for me regaining myself and being happy is what it’s all about.’

‘I have gained so much more in the form of energy even when sleep deprived; my mental health is strong; my family as a whole has changed and we are making memories that will last a life time; I am being a role model to my kids – they are learning healthy eating behaviours and hopefully will have a healthy relationship with food!

‘So many more benefits because the Healthy Mummy has transformed my life and I will absolutely be a Healthy Mummy for life.’

Jessica’s Typical Day

‘The order changes daily, as it depends what is happening however I always have a Healthy Mummy Smoothie, a pear, one mocha coffee, 2 Healthy Mummy snacks for example a chocolate brownie cookie, Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls and a Healthy Mummy dinner recipe.’

Jessica has embraced the Healthy Mummy Smoothies as part of her daily routine and loves some other Healthy Mummy Products.

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‘I am obsessed. A smoothie a day keeps the doctor away. I also love the peanut butter powder, super greens and collagen. I also use the skin care range, I’ve almost tried all of them and love them.

Find all these amazing products in the healthy Mummy Shop.

Jessica’s Top Three Tips for Success

  1. Don’t give up!! Know your why, remind yourself along the way and reward yourself too. Its not a fad diet, but a lifestyle change. Have an accountability buddy who will help you when you are struggling, my mum is mine and I also chat with some other Healthy Mummy’s.
  2. Involve the family!! Find a way that works for your family and customise the program to work for you. My kids pick our meals each week other than 1 new meal that I pick, it gets them involved and they then eat the meal! They also choose if the yes meal will go into our recipe book.
  3. Meal prep to what works for you. For me I cut all my veggies for the week, do online grocery shopping and I bake snacks way in advance & freeze them, I bulk purchase my meats and I cook for an extra serving so I can have left overs for either lunch or a freezer stash.

Jessica’s Mum Sandra’s Weight Loss Story

Sandra Archer is 62 and also lives on the gold Coast. Along with Jessica, she has two other grown up children and 11 grandchildren.

For Sandra there were a few defining moment that made her know it was time to lose weight including breathlessness and unable to be the grandmother she wanted to be.

She shares, ‘I was uncomfortable and struggled to do things like do my shoe lace up, that to me had to be enough. Especially as I live with my young grandchildren and I had no energy to play with them.’

By signing up to the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge, and with the support of her daughter Jessica, Sandra has been able to lose just shy of 24 kilos in 8 and a half months.

Sandra says, ‘I am feeling great within myself. I never thought I could do this. This is the longest I’ve ever been able to stick to something, and the best part is, it’s easy. I don’t feel like I’m on a diet, I’ve just made changes to how I live now. I feel a lot happier these days. I’m not depressed anymore about life.’

‘I’m enjoying making memories and having the energy to live life to the fullest now. I feel younger now than I did 8 months ago, which is crazy. I don’t think I would have coped getting covid if I hadn’t made the changes I made in life.’

What’s more, Sandra is enjoying other health benefits.

‘Yes my health is really strong. I’m waiting to get final results to see if I still need my blood pressure tablets which I’m hoping I won’t anymore. My feet are less sore, I’ve always struggled with bad feet but they aren’t as bad now and I move a lot more physically which is amazing. I’m less out of breath!’

Just like Jessica, Sandra has embraced the Healthy Mummy Smoothies as part of her daily routine.

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‘I have a Healthy Mummy Smoothie everyday and have done since I started.’

‘I also use the Skin care range which I love, especially the nourishing night cream and the face oil. I get so many compliments that I look much younger now. I can’t wait to try them all.’

Sandra’s Typical Day on a plate

Breakfast  – granola with probiotic yoghurt
Morning tea – coffee
Lunch – Healthy Mummy Smoothie
Afternoon tea – Healthy Mummy snack, at the moment Biscoff cheesecake

Get the recipe for Biscoff Cheesecake here

Dinner – Healthy Mummy recipe from the App

Sandra’s Favourites from the Healthy Mummy App

  • Biscoff cheesecake
  • Spinach & Feta Puffs
  • Stovetop Lasagna
  • Sticky chicken
  • Beef bolognese pie,
  • Shepherds pie, so many more.

Sandra’s Three Tips for Success

  1. Don’t give up because you can do anything you put your mind to. Your age and weight doesn’t stop you achieving anything.
  2. Find someone to do it with. I do this with my daughter and she cooks a lot for me, we have always bounced off each other and helped keep each other motivated and on track, it’s really helped. We even made a goal to lose 50kgs together and we’ve done it.
  3. Just start moving. It took me 2 months before I started walking but now that I move my body every day, I feel great and have more energy. Start small, it doesn’t need to be huge, just get moving.

‘Know that you can have a bad day, as a bad day doesn’t make for a bad week or month, you just have to get back on the horse.’

‘Thank you Healthy Mummy, my health hasn’t been this good for such a long time, I forgot how good I can actually feel’

Congratulations Jessica and Sandra! You make an awesome team!

Join Jessica and Sandra on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge

If you are wanting to lose weight and improve your energy – not to mention – help improve your overall health and wellbeing – our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge is an awesome program to check out.

The 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge is the mums only 5 star rated app with over 1.6k reviews in 8 weeks!!

You get unrestricted access to :
● Nutritionist & chef designed weekly meal plans
● Over 500 different Personal Trainer crafted at-home workouts
● Daily Motivation from My Coach
● Personalised Shopping lists to make life easy
● Over 6000 healthy and delicious recipes at your fingertips
● REAL TIME support from The Healthy Mummy Team and OVER 300,000 other mums

CLICK HERE for more details


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