Home Fitness How this mum-of-three dropped 18kg in SIX months!

How this mum-of-three dropped 18kg in SIX months!

by Editorial



Wow, Lyndel Kahler  looks amazing!

This mum-of-three has lost 18kg by following the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge in just six months!

Here’s how she did it….

How this mum-of-three dropped 18kg in SIX months!

How Lyndel dropped 18kg in just six months with The Healthy Mummy

In just six months, Lyndel has dropped three dress sizes!

“I started my Healthy Mummy journey on the 1st September last year and now, almost 6 months later, I have lost 18kg and three dress sizes I am almost in the 70s where I haven’t been since my son was born almost 14 years ago,” she say.

“I still have another 20kg to go, but going stronger than I ever thought I could!”

Amazingly, Lyndel has gone from a size 98.6kg down to 80kg and she’s dropped two dress sizes.

“I have WAY more energy. My resting heart rate has dropped significantly 68bpm down to 56bpm. My hair seems to be getting thicker and growing quicker,” she says of the health benefits she’s notice.

“I have been sleeping a lot more soundly and for more than 6 hours. I feel more positive and patient with everyone.”

What Lydel eats on a typical day:

Breakfast: Porridge or eggs and spinach on GF toast

Snack: Hummus and veg sticks or rice cracker

Lunch: Healthy Mummy smoothie

Snack: Fruit or sushi roll

Dinner: Healthy Mummy recipe of some sort. My favourite is still Stovetop Lasagne with salad or veg  sometimes some Greek yoghurt and berries too.

Exercise: Yoga and dancing for flexibility and fitness workouts from The Healthy Mummy app

“Throwing away my old clothes to the op shops has also been very motivating and therapeutic for me.” 

Top tips for success:

* Do it for you!

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* Never give up… if you fall off the horse, jump back on and give it another crack

* Always break your end goal into smaller more achievable goals along the way



Are you after more healthy recipes that the rest of the family won’t turn their noses up at? Join our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge!

Our meal plans and recipes use REAL ingredients and healthier food alternatives so you can enjoy what you are eating and see weight loss results.

You can learn more about our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge HERE.


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