Home Editor's Pick Technology Is Isolating Us from Friends and Family

Technology Is Isolating Us from Friends and Family

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Technology Is Isolating Us from Friends and Family

Psychologists have conducted research on the psychological effects of online chats. Doctors are seeing a steady rise in the number of patients. People who are socially awkward in the real world turn to online chats to express their feelings. Sitting for hours at a time, they assume a new identity and begin a new life under the guise of someone else. Many marriages and divorces have been sparked by these situations. One of the most common causes of depression is being rejected by online friends. According to research, it only serves to exacerbate feelings of isolation.

Even browsing the internet has become a compulsion for some. Many people lose track of time while they are engrossed in online activities. Similar to online games, this is the case. People suddenly decide to withdraw from the world. They don’t give a second thought to their family and home. They’ve given up on socializing. This is a real phenomenon that can be found in a number of places. When you’re lonely, it’s easy to get angry at the people around you. We’ve lost our outgoing demeanor. It’s all a product of the latest and greatest technological advancements. And they’re just getting started on the next round of prototypes and research.

The days of hanging out with friends on Saturday nights in the 1970s and 1980s are long gone. Meetings with friends via instant messaging are becoming more commonplace these days. As a result of SMS, a lot less time is spent talking on the phone. People used to be much more outgoing and social. Even movies and concerts can be streamed from the comfort of your own home, eliminating the need to leave the house. You don’t even have to go to the office if you work from home. Online or phone orders can get you everything you need to shop for groceries and household goods.

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Graduate degrees can be earned from the comfort of your own home. No need to attend university lectures or classes. There’s no need to make new friends in a college dorm. The couch potato idea was spawned by our old favorite television show. Obesity and lethargy were becoming a problem across the United States, according to research. Many children were glued to their television sets instead of engaging in physical activity. All of this only serves to increase one’s sense of isolation.

Dotcomguy was the name of a man who went by that name a few years back. The only things he had for the duration of his month-long confinement were his computer and an internet connection. The internet provided him with access to anything he desired or needed. He was feted and praised as if he were doing an amazing job. Maybe he was just showing off the power of the computer.

A truism as well as a cliché, man is a social animal. In order to be happy, he always relied on the company of others. Marriage serves as a metaphor for the same need: the desire for someone to share one’s life with. The current pace of technological advancement is only serving to exacerbate this problem. Everywhere, it’s creating hermits. Someday, no one will have to leave their house. Even weddings are now webcast so that family members can bless the couple without having to physically visit them. What else could they possibly consider?

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